How to submit your cases?

What is an electronic submission?
We now use the Timeless Veterinary System tool for case submissions in cardiology, internal medicine and dentistry. This tool allows referring veterinarians to submit patient information, including various test and imaging results. Our team can then issue the reports.

Each establishment has access to a secure space allowing it to submit cases for analysis by one of our specialists. Once the veterinarian profile is created and linked to the existing establishment account, you can request services, enter patient history and test results, receive appointment confirmations, and view veterinary images and ultrasound reports of your patients. Once services are completed, we will provide a report with recommendations.

Are you a veterinarian in an establishment that is already a customer of E-vet mobiles and wants to use it for the first time?
If you are part of an already registered establishment, click on the link below to access the login page. You can then create your profile and you will have to choose the right establishment.
Link to the Timeless Veterinary System platform
You are a new customer?
If your establishment has never done business with e-vet mobile services, please write to us so that we can create an account for you: We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Do you already use Timeless with a partner (DMVet or Animage)?
The option at the top left of the screen allows you to change partners.
Configuration for DICOM sending
Submitting your x-rays in the original format called DICOM is essential to maintain the correct resolution and thus obtain optimal interpretation. Our specialists and veterinarians can thus have access to all the information in the files. The majority of imaging specialists work this way. It only takes a few steps to export these images from your digital X-ray system’s computer. These steps must be completed before you can submit your first interpretation request on our platform.

Here’s how to connect your server from your digital system:

Veterinarians who wish to submit x-rays, ultrasounds and other imaging files to the E-Vet mobile platform can use the following information for the transfer:

Simply enter the following data into your image software:

AE Title: (Each veterinary establishment is assigned a unique AE title and the team will need to locate theirs under Admin/Account, the main page will contain the AE title along with other details of the organization.
IP adress :
Port : 111112
*The clinic user will still need to use the “Add from PACS” button in the attachments section to select the study they wish to attach to the case.

If you have difficulty entering this export data into your system, we suggest you contact the expert who installed your x-ray software or your IT support contact.

Les Services e-Vet Mobiles Inc.

Our offices are open Monday through Thursday from 8am to 6pm,
on Friday from 8am to 5pm
and on Saturday from 9am to 12pm.

(514) 973-3895

675 Stuart Avenue, Outremont, QC, H2V 3H2, Canada