Internal medicine services : Veterinarians
Offered services :
Echography uses sound-wave reflection to create a picture of what is inside a patient’s body. An ultrasound thus allows to visualize the different organs and internal structures without surgical intervention.
This diagnostic tool is often used in the process which serves to identify the condition that the animal is suffering from.
- FAST ultrasound (Focused assessment with sonography for trauma) or targeted evaluation of trauma, with the help of an ultrasound scanner, is a quick and non-invasive way to gather all the information required to take care of patients. We tend to minimize the amount of stress caused by further testing on the patient.
- Ultrasound-guided sampling performed during the diagnostic process. The ultrasound also allows for safe urine sampling, and for the aspirations of certain organs or masses.
Internal medicine consultation
Many of the patients that are brought to a veterinary present “undifferentiated” or “multisystemic” medical problems which require specific expertise. The general veterinarians usually seek counsel from an internal medicine specialist, who will guide them into the diagnostic process and interpretation of the various essential tests put in place, following the therapeutic plan.
For this case, we offer the following services :
- Internal medicine consultation to assist the treating general veterinarian with establishing or adapting the treatment plan of the internal medicine service.
- Interpreting the tests based on the patient’s profile and provided anamnesis.
- Sedation to proceed with more tests.
- Blood sampling and sedation to proceed with more tests.
- Measuring blood pressure with the petMAP.
- Monitoring blood sugar in diabetic patients more easily with the Freestyle Libre sensor.
The minimally invasive techniques meet the needs of pet owners who want to investigate the cause of the symptoms they are concerned about.
Here are the type of cases for which mobile endoscopy are optimal :
Digestive endoscopy (esophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum and colon)
- Visual assessment and biopsy
- Removal of esophageal and gastric foreign bodies
- Treatment of strictures (dilatation or injection)
- Installation of percutaneous gastric tube
Bronchoscopy (large dog)
- Bronchoalveolar lavage and cytology of focal lesions
More details on Internal medicine : Endoscopy dedicated page.

Our internal medicine specialist, Dr. Avril Hamel-Jolette is accompanied by an animal health technician during her visits.