Mobile anesthesia and analgesia service

Dr Frédérik Rousseau-Blass
Services to meet your PATIENT MANAGEMENT needs

Preparation of anesthetic/analgesic protocol for a specific patient

Includes intra-op tele-counseling for the case.
Includes a list of specific patient risks, the appropriate anesthetic/analgesic protocol and general advice.
*This service is only available to facilities with full monitoring (Oscillometry, ECG, SpO2, Capnometry) and for which an anesthetic optimization visit has been carried out previously.

Face-to-face anesthetic support by an anesthesiologist, different rates according to block of hours.

  • Minimum of 2 hours for greater Montreal area; other regions available with travel expenses.
  • What’s included: Patient-specific protocol writing, complete anesthesia management, full monitoring equipment, ventilator, portable ultrasound for locoregional blocks, emergency drugs and anesthesia drugs.
  • Not included: anesthesia machine and volatile agent, fluid therapy, intravenous catheter placement equipment, active warming devices.

Clinical mentoring hours valid for OMVQ and ATSAQ continuing education hours.

Teleconsultation: Intraoperative (emergency line), general advice

A wide range of services to meet your TRAINING needs

Here is a list of classic topics for distance or face-to-face training:

  • How to use or analyze my anesthesia monitor (often following the purchase of a device, ECG, capno, etc.)
  • Setting up algorithms for managing complications: hypotension/bradycardia, ventilation problems, hypoxemia, hypothermia, intra-op and post-op pain.
  • Training in local blocks: dental blocks, abdominal blocks, sacrococcygeal blocks, lumbosacral epidural.
  • Intra-operative and post-operative analgesia training.
  • Patient-specific anesthesia training: cardiac disease, brachycephalic, MDR1, pediatric, geriatric, aggressive, etc.
  • Anesthesia training for emergency procedures: foreign body, Caesarean section, etc.
  • CPR training

Face-to-face training :

  • Workshop option: Theoretical training based on a list of questions or a specific topic (minimum 3 hours).
  • Anesthetic optimization option: Full day with a half-day of surgery to evaluate existing procedures and provide clinical mentoring. For the other half-day, theoretical training on the topic requested, plus a review of the morning to plan the optimization of the work sequence (allow 7 to 8 hours).

Training hours are valid for OMVQ and ATSAQ continuing education hours.

Distance learning :

  • Workshop option: Theoretical training based on a list of questions or a specific topic (minimum 2 hours).

Training hours valid for OMVQ and ATSAQ continuing education hours.

A wide range of services to meet your COACHING needs

Review of general anesthetic protocols

A wide range of procedure and protocol revision services:

  • Revision of regular surgeries (spay & neuter, etc.)
  • Emergency procedures (foreign body, caesarean section, etc.)
  • Specific patient types (cardiac, brachycephalic, MDR1, pediatric, etc.)
  • To limit exposure to volatile anesthetic agents (e.g. for pregnant women)
  • Setting up drug calculation sheets (Excel calculators)

Important note: If done without training, it must include a discussion with the person(s) responsible for veterinary care to assess their level of knowledge and needs prior to the request. Please contact us!

Support for equipment purchases :

Determination of the facility’s needs and evaluation of options for price comparison. A minimum of two hours is required.

Dr Frédérik Rousseau-Blass et Valérie Fortin du service anesthésie mobile

Les Services e-Vet Mobiles Inc.

Our offices are open Monday through Thursday from 8am to 6pm,
on Friday from 8am to 5pm
and on Saturday from 9am to 12pm.

(514) 973-3895

675 Stuart Avenue, Outremont, QC, H2V 3H2, Canada